Assalamualaikum wbt :)
Hye wassup? Kaifa haluk? Apa khabar? Bangbeob-eun? Haaa, 4 languages in one question! Hahahaaa :D
Harap semuanya sihat sejahtera ye, almaklum lah sekarang ni cuaca panas je kat Malaysia ni. Ramai orang yang batuk2, demam, tekak kering, and macam2 lagi lah. So, make sure korang minum air masak banyak-banyak okay? Air masak is the most healthy drink in the universe ! Propa je xD
The moment when I'm writing this post, Amal baru nak breakfast tau. The clock shows 9.40 a.m right now and Amal tak mandi lagi sambil duduk depan laptop kesayangan sambil ditemani oleh secawan milo panas and Ritz crackers yang dimakan berama Tuna mayonnaise. Yummy :D
Well, this is not my routine during mid-term break okey. Jangan silap faham pulak, tak pasal-pasal orang kata Amal ni pemalas sebab tak mandi lagi lah, menghadap laptop everyday, oooo NO NO NO :P If you want to know my daily routine during my break, once I woke up from my sleep (depends on what time my eyes want to open, hahaa) first thing first, of course drink mineral water, tidy up my bed, then brush my teeth, and wash my face. Have a bath? Errr, it is rarely happened! Hahahaa. Basically I will have a bath after I've done all my house works except if I've to go anywhere in the morning. So, what to do next? Supposedly Amal akan jemur kain, kalau ada baju kotor lain yang perlu dibasuh Amal akan basuh, and then kemas2 ruang TV yang sentiasa selerak dengan magazines lah, newspapers lah, bantal2 lah, haa macam-macam lah. Even though Amal kemas everyday pun sure akan selerak balik ♒((⇀‸↼))♒
So what happen, today Mak Andak datang rumah. Kerja dia mengemas satu rumah, termasuk lah iron semua baju, lipat baju, vacuum, lap tingkap, mop, kemas bilik2, and semua-semua lah. Mak Andak ni memang akan datang every Monday and she'll works at my house from 8.30 a.m till 12.30 noon. Umi pun dah tinggalkan duit untuk Amal bagi kat dia lepas dia habis semua kerja nanti. That is why lah Amal relax je ni haa. Segan jugak bagi orang lain buat kerja kat rumah sendiri, sebab selalu kan kita yang buat, tapi takpe lah, umi paid her for the works. Today Mak Andak datang dengan anak perempuan dia, umur dalam 20-an macam tu. Dah kahwin katanya. Hmm bila Amal tengok kesungguhan dua beranak ni bekerja dari rumah ke rumah sebagai mata pencarian yang halal, timbul rasa insaf dan bersyukur. Kita kat rumah ni senang-lenang goyang kaki, nak duit mintak je kat parents, parents bagi, nak apa cakap je, tapi diorang? Setitik peluh yang menitis dari dahi seorang ibu tua bersama anak nya untuk mencari sesuap nasi, begitu bermakna bagi saya. May Allah bless them, Amin, InsyaAllah.
Di kesempatan ini, (skema gila ayat xD) Amal nak kongsi berita gembira dengan korang semua. InsyaAllah, 24hb Mei ni, Amal bersama keluarga (except for my brother) akan menunaikan ibadah Umrah dan kami akan berada di sana lebih kurang dalam 2 minggu. This is my first experience going to Mecca and Medina actually, so I'm so excited ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ Kami sekeluarga akan menaiki Cathay Airlines and then transit di Hong Kong International Airports sebelum gerak ke Jeddah. At the first 5 days, kami akan berada di Medina, kemudian kami akan menaiki bas ke Mecca yang akan mengambil masa lebih kurang 4-5 hours. Ya Allah, excited nye saya tidak boleh digambarkan dengan kata-kata. I still cant believe that I'm going to the most beautiful place in the world, Mecca Al-Mukarramah. Semoga Allah mempermudahkan segala urusan Amal bersama keluarga tersayang sepanjang berada di sana nanti.
macam ni lah agaknya muka Amal masa excited :D |
Behind the arouse feelings, I admit that I was a bit mournful because I have to leave my Jimmy for about 2 weeks and obviously, it is not a short distance dude. It is far far away from Malaysia. So here's a special column for you my Mr Giraffe. I hope you read this :)
Hye sayang, hope this letter finds you in a happy time in every way. I just wanted to write you and tell you how wonderful a Man you are to me. I sure did enjoy this great time with you and look forward to our next opportunity to be together again. I want to make you see how very special and precious you are to me. I feel so lacking when it comes to telling you how I feel. I am so attracted to you that I want to do as much as I can to make you know I see a very charming guy every time I look at you, even if you aren’t feeling very well-favored at that particular time. You have beauty that everyone cannot see, particularly inside as well as outside. I find myself daydreaming about you constantly and thinking I really feel like you are the man I have been searching for. I know I was a fool not to see that from the very beginning.Please don’t doubt me when I say I love you because I am completely content to be with you any time you and our schedules permit. You will have to forgive my inability to express myself with you. I can see that you have the same problem and both of us will have to overcome our doubts which haunt us because of our past experiences. I hope you will allow me to grow closer and more intimate in every part of your life. My fears are the same as yours in a lot of ways. I don’t want to fall in love and then be cast aside as if I were just a used up toy. That is why I hesitate to tell you I love you and I want you to be mine forever.I have been let down by people who say they love me one day and ignore me the next. I can’t help but think that because you have experienced the same thing you will appreciate me and realize I am sincere in this relationship and have high hopes of a lasting (lifelong) romance that will never stagnate. So please take care of yourself when I was there later. Just bear in your mind that whenever I go, I'll stay in your heart and so was I. Please believe me when I say,
Okay, that's all for today I think :) Thank you so much for spending your time to read my blog ( ^◡^)っ✂❤ See you in another post yeah! Bye-2!
Wallahualam :)